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Country Properties

The Changing Landscape of Canadian Farms

What is Causing the Change to Canadian Farmland?

The total number of farms in Canada has been decreasing since 1941.

According to the latest Census of Agricultural data (2021), in just 5 years (since 2016) the number of farms has decreased by 1.6% and farmable area by 3.4% across the country. 

To put that into acres, the total farmable area has fallen from 158 million acres reported in 2016 to 153 million acres as of the 2021 census.

The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) cited a loss of 319 acres of farmland per day in Ontario during this 5 year period. Naturally, I wanted to see how this calculation compared out to other important farming provinces.

If we look at the change in farmable land from the 2016 Census of Agriculture to the 2021 Census of Agriculture, we see that: 

  • Alberta has been loosing almost 600 acres per day since 2016.
  • Manitoba 283 acres per day.
  • British Columbia 412 acres per day and
  • Saskatchewan over 700 acres per day.

For how we arrived at this numbers take Alberta as an example:

2016 Acres: 50,250,183, 2021 Acres: 49,157,232


50,250,183 – 49,157,232 = 1,092,951

Divided by 5 YEARS = 218,5900

218,5900 / 365 days
= 599 acres per day. 

Smaller farming provinces like Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI and Newfoundland & Labrador aren’t loosing nearly as much.

To look at Canada from the outside as a land mass, you would think that we have more than enough land to accommodate all of our farming needs and urban sprawl with room to spare.

Yet this is far from the truth and the landscape of Canadian farmland is changing drastically.

From east to west Canada has some of the most versatile and rich agricultural land in the world, with Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan & Quebec being home to a large chunk of that.

Some who don’t know the geography of our country claim that we should be looking further north in Ontario to increase our farmable land area while accommodating urban sprawl closer to our existing urban centres.

However, as pointed out by the Dominion Review (John Meyer), although there are spots of useable farmland, “most northern ground is Canadian Shield, permafrost and muskeg … with “very little agricultural potential and any good soil requires huge energy and fertilizer inputs”.

I think we all have an idea about why farmland is dwindling but let’s dig into a few major contributing factors.

1. Urban Sprawl

One big issue eating up our farmland is urban sprawl.

“For every million people we add to Canada’s population, we lose 530 square kilometers of prime farmland near our large urban areas” – Canadians for a Sustainable Society.

Much of the urban sprawl is happening on farmland closest to cities. This graph put together by Charles Brockman of the CBC shows the majority of the conversion of farmland into urban settlement is happening in the Greater Golden Horseshoe.

Urban sprawl has been happening on a large scale in an attempt to keep up with our exploding population. Yet, we are still experiencing housing supply and affordability issues. 

Among the G7 countries, Canada has the lowest average housing supply per capita with 424 units per 1,000 people.

You might be asking how it is possible that this urban sprawl can take place on agricultural land – most of which is zoned agricultural.

Surely by-laws for an agriculturally zoned property only allow for a single detached dwelling, outbuildings and a possible accessory dwelling for labour accomodations.

Sadly these by-laws don’t mean anything to some.

Developers with deep pockets seem to easily sway municipalities and local governments into accepting a zoning change, allowing them to change its use and develop the land.

But, there is another avenue some well connected developers have been using.

Minister’s Zoning Orders (MZOs).

An MZO is a provision included in a Province’s planning laws (e.g. Ontario Planning Act) that gives the provincial government and municipalities the authority to override the typical planning  and zoning protocols when considering the use of a piece of land. 

Although planning laws in Alberta, B.C. and Saskatchewan allow for similar provisions to be used, as of the 2021 Auditor General’s Report: Land-Use Planning in the GGHS, no such provision had been used in these provinces. If you know of any, please email us here. 

This provision was included for “situations of extraordinary urgency”. However, in recent years this tool has been misused to allow urban sprawl on farmland and wetlands. Often done without public or environmental consultation.

According to the same report, from 2019 to 2021, 44 MZO’s were issued (double the total number issued in the past 18 years).

All were issued for residential, commercial and industrial uses (5 being pandemic related) and not a single MZO was issued to conserve natural heritage or agriculture land as had been done in the past.

Of this 44, 18 MZO’s were issued on lands zoned agricultural.

Does this seem hard to believe? Well we have a few (of many) examples to share below.  

1. Caledon – Old School Rd & Chinguacousy Rd (Brookvalley Phase 3)
4,550 dwellings

Granted MZO over the express opposition of Peel Region. If constructed as approved, this would enrich landowners connected to political donors with very strong ties to the government (Project Management Inc, Conservatory Group, Fieldgate Developments, Laurier Homes, Mattamy Homes, and Paradise). – Source

2. Niagara Falls8656 Mountain Road
Farmland to Golf Course

Some reports say this golf course will be built on good farmland, others say the farmland is not good but the proposal does require significant woodlands and watercourses to be protected and at least it will look like Greenspace???

3. New Tecumseth – Beeton – MZO approved to Flato Inc.
995 housing units & neighbourhood commercial space.

This is just a few examples – you can visit the map show below by clicking here to view information an locations of these MZO’s.

Urban sprawl doesn’t just include the building of residential neighbourhoods. With this sprawl comes other infrastructure projects such as commercial spaces, supporting facilities, industrial areas and more roads – all requiring a large amount of space. 

2. Investment & Consolidation

The price of farmland is on the rise and has been for some time.

According to FCC’s most recent annual report (2023), Farmland prices across Canada have increased, on average, by about 9.1% annually for the last decade. From 2022 to 2023 price per acre nationally increased by 11.5%, down slightly from the pervious years 12.8% increase.

In case that isn’t crystal clear – it is still very expensive to buy farmland.

Canadian Farmland Price Per Acre – Stats Canada & FCC.

Christie Young of FarmLink stated, “If you’re a new farmer who’s trying to buy a piece of land and pay for it by working the land, it’s almost an impossible proposition,”

While those looking to expand existing farms look at financing options as a way to acquire more but often need a decent equity base to do so.

Not to mention the high cost of farm vehicles, machinery and other equipment that will be required.

Well established farms, businesses and investors continue to buy up farms to add to their operations which could be contributing to the 1.9% decrease in the number of farms from 2016 (193,492 farms) to 2021 (189,874 farms).

While there has been a 23% decrease in individual farms over the last 20 years, the size of farms has increased across the country.

In 2001 the average Canadian farm was ~ 676 acres compared to ~ 809 acres as of the most recent census (2021).  And according to Stats Canada, the average farm size has nearly doubled over the last “50 years due to consolidation and technological advantages”.

This increase in the price of farmland has been a driving factor for many investors who are looking to farm land as a stable investment with promising returns.

FCC’s vice-president and chief economist J. P. Gervais states a 15% increase in the number of non-farmer investors over the last 10 years. This includes private equity firms who fund the purchase of farmland and lease back the farms to the farmer.

According to the 2021 Agricultural Census, ~6.5% of farms are owned by non-farmers. This is up from ~5% in the last 10 years. 

One of the largest farmland investment companies, AGinvest, holds 6,000 acres of ON farmland, making about a 15% annual return since 2019.” Today, most of these companies’ websites boast fund returns of eight to 14 per cent annually” – Globe & Mail.

Many of the farmland investment companies claim to have a desire to keep the land in farming and help alleviate the financial strain on farmers, which they say has been a “saving grace” for some because of the rising price of farmland.

Some raise caution here … When profit is the main motive, stewarding the land could become secondary and a valid concern many have is that farm consolidation and investment corporations could lead to more intensive farming practices, destroying the viability of the land to grow crops or grass for livestock. If you can just turn around and sell this chunk of land to the next developer, what do the investors care about sustainability?

Of course this is not to say that every person investing in farmland feels this way and there seems to be genuinely forward thinking investment firms who don’t look at farmland in a solely speculative way like Andjelic Land, AGinvest and Equate Asset Management to name a few.

These investment firms should also not be confused with other investment firms who look at farmland as a solely speculative play with future development potential.

3. Lack of Generational & Family Farmers.

A worrying sentiment shared by many has been that we are losing both family farms and the family farmer.

An RBC report released early April 2023 reported that more than 40% of our farm operators would be retiring over the next 10 years leaving us with a shortage for farmers. Rising inflation, cost to acquire and lack of succession plans were cited as being the main reasons.

The reports solution suggests accepting 30,000 permanent immigrants by 2033 to take over existing farms and greenhouses.

This has been happening for a number of years through the various immigration programs such as the Agri-Food Pilot, Express Entry – Agriculture and Agri-food Occupations, as well as province specific programs like the AAIP (Alberta Advantage Immigration Program).

It is incredibly difficult to run and operate a successful farm, with many not being able to make a decent enough living for the next generation to be enticed to take it over.

To compete against the larger, firmly established operations is a massive feat very few want to undertake (understandably).

On this note, it is understandable that a farmer may want to cash out on his hard working by selling to a corporation or developer.

This does not mean Canadians are no longer farming, or that no young people want to get into farming but the numbers a dwindling.

As an aside – it is important to note that just because a farm is classified as a business or registered as a numbered company, it does not mean it is no longer a family farm.

4. Changing Landscapes

Perhaps playing a small part in the decline in the number of reported farms and farmland is the change to land characteristics itself.

Some of which is hard to account for accurately. For example, a farmer may mark a wooded area once used for grazing as a forest.

As stated by Darrel Cerkowniak ( a scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada), some arable land could also be “lost” as a result of flooding or re-naturalisation. 

Other factors such as soil erosion, desertification, salinization, and contamination from industrial activities could also render farmland unsuitable for farming or grazing ultimately leading to a change of its use.

Although land conversion likely only accounts for a very small portion of the reported farmland loss.

On the other hand, in areas like Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan, the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute released a report in 2022 stating an increase in crop land due to pasture, forest, and wetlands being converted for growing crops.

As the value of farmland continues to rise, existing farmers or farm owners could be converting more of their woodlands, wetlands and meadows into farmland to expand their operation on their current property to avoid buying more, or to increase the value of their land. This of course causes issues for wildlife but that is a discussion for another day.

This may account in small part to the increase in the size of farms but not farmland.

Combating Famrland Loss

While increasing the number of mouths to feed every year, we are simultaneously decreasing our farmable land and green spaces.

The need for affordable housing in Canada has been at the forefront of many Canadian minds over the last 5-10 years, depending on when you started paying attention. Of course these issues need to be addressed but the expansion of urban sprawl onto valuable farmland is short sighted.

It is not enough to say “well we will just import our food.” Excuse me but f*** that. We need to be self-sufficient as well as support our existing farmers with local availability and our economy with continued exports.

Farmland is a finite resource which alone makes it valuable and results in rising prices over time.

Those with deep pockets are reportedly helping this along. Large companies who purchase farmland and green spaces as speculative assets with plans for future development are driving prices upwards.

These types of investors should not be confused with the equity funds or other investors who purchases land to lease back to farms and have intentions of keeping farming on farmland. Although, even these types of purchases are driving the price of farmland upwards.

Prices will continue to rise for the foreseeable future making the barrier for for those looking to get in or expand even higher.

Farmers and landowners are adapting as best they can – finding ways to use more sustainable farming practices, investing in new technologies, implementing renewable energy sources on their land and exploring new ways of selling direct to consumer.

The irony of allowing our valuable natural resource to succumb to urban development seems to be lost on those living in cities demanding farmers act in a more sustainable manner while they simultaneously continue to push for more housing, more amenities and more urban sprawl.

Continuing to put an immense amount of pressure on cities and expanding them while, allowing our rural areas and natural beauty to be swallowed up is not a solution.

The 8 Best Small Towns to Buy a Home in Southern Alberta

Here are our favourite places to buy a home in Southern Alberta.

    Alberta offers some of the best rural living options in the country.

So what makes these “the best” areas?

Well of course it is subjective, some people prioritise certain lifestyles over the other. For some a quiet town close to a large city is the ideal for them, and for others (like us) a more rural way of life is preferred.

Something I think we can all agree on, is that it certainly helps when the town is situated in a beautiful spot.

On the list below we have taken into account just that.

We have also taken into account the desirability of the surrounding rural areas, variability in housing options, recreational opportunities, proximity to amenities and the potential of those areas to see a rise in property values over time.

The below are listed purely in alphabetical order and include their surrounding areas (not just the main little town).  Each place is special in its own right.

Bragg Creek  |  Canmore  |  Cardston  |  Cochrane  |  Crowsnest Pass  |  Diamond Valley  |  Okatoks  |  Pincher Creek


Average | Median Sale Price (Detached – 2024) +: $1,097,588 | $1,127,500
Proximity to Calgary: 40 Minutes
Located in: Rocky View County
Nearby Natural Areas of Interest:: Bragg Creek Provincial Park, Elbow Falls Provincial Park, Prairie Creek, Mclean Creek Provincial Park.

Bragg Creek is a gorgeous rural hamlet located about 40 minutes west of Calgary. Some refer to it as Kananaskis’ best kept secret and you can see why.

Nestled in the foothills of the Rockies, Bragg Creek is home to the meandering Elbow Creek, rolling hills, rich green coniferous trees and spectacular rural properties. The residents and visitors here have an appreciation and great respect for the surrounding natural environment. As far as recreational activities – well, look no further. Hiking, biking, fishing, horseback riding, skiing, sight seeing and more are on offer here.

Stop in at the “Heart of Bragg Creek” shopping area to pick up exquisite wines from the local liquor store, or grab a snack at the PowderHorn Saloon and you may even see some cowboys ride in, tie up their ponies and grab a beer. It’s a fun spot!

As far as what style of home you can expect to buy in Bragg Creek… there is a wide range of options. Expect seriously stunning log homes, mountain chalets, large acreages, modern homes to the more modest gems nestled on half an acre. Now and again you may also be able to find vacant land on which to build your dream home.

In terms of re-sale, as of 2023/2024, you’re looking at an average of about 63 days to sell. So it may not be as liquid as one may want but that won’t matter to those who are looking for a place to call home for the long term. With its close proximity to Calgary and to the mountains, you can’t go wrong buying in Bragg Creek.


Average | Median Sale Price (Detached – 2024): $1,775,746  | $1,550,000
Proximity to Calgary: 1 Hour
Located in: MD of Bighorn
Nearby Natural Areas of Interest: Nordic Centre Provincial Park, Banff National Park, Bow Valley Wildland Park, Three Sisters Peak, Ha Ling Peak, Upper Kananaskis Lake.

It will come as no surprise that Canmore is on this list.

If you’ve only ever visited one place in Alberta, it was probably Banff National Park. On your way there you very likely drove through Canmore and marvelled at this quintessential mountain town.

A truly spectacular little spot tucked away on the eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies and boarded by the glacier-fed Bow River. Conveniently located just over an hour from Calgary but you don’t need to go that far for amenities, they are all right here.

The residents are proud of their beautiful scenery, historic downtown and outdoor adventures all culminating in a vibrant community spirit. Think a tight-knit community that fosters a sense of camaraderie, connecting with neighbours and gathering at the Canmore Mountain Market in the summer and fall months.

Surrounded by lush forests and mountain peaks, you won’t have a hard time finding something to do outdoors. Hiking, golfing, biking, skiing, sight seeing, horseback riding and rafting are available. 

All of this beauty comes at a price though. The real estate market here can be expensive and is in high demand. Although poised to see even more suburban housing development over the next number of years, you can expect to find everything from classic mountain villas, estates, modern masterpieces to both luxury and modest homes on small lots.

On average you can expect it to take around 61 days to sell a home here as of 2024. This number is slightly skewed by the multiple high value homes ($4M +) that generally take a longer time to sell.

If you enjoy a small town vibe with all the conveniences of big town living (and of course breathtaking beauty), Canmore may be the place for you!


Average | Median Sale Price (Detached – 2024): $352,350 | $305,000
Proximity to Calgary: 2 hrs 30 minutes
Located in: Cardston County
Nearby Natural Areas of Interest: Waterton Lakes National Park,

Nestled amidst rolling hills and vast farmland, Cardston is a picturesque town with a rich pioneering heritage and a community proud of tradition. Presenting a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty all lying in the heart of the prairies.

The town’s close proximity to the stunning landscapes of Waterton Lakes National Park and the Rocky Mountains provides endless opportunities for outdoor adventure, from hiking and camping to fishing and wildlife watching.

Community is at the core for residents here, evident in the well-preserved historic buildings, charming main street and community events.   

Affordable living options are available here, as are more high end luxury acreages. Due to the rural nature of this community homes take a long time to sell here – on average we are looking at about 110 days as of 2024.

If you want a quiet life in a tranquil setting away from the big cities, Cardston is worth exploring.


Average | Median Sale Price (Detached – 2024): $770,571  | $655,500
Proximity to Calgary: 36 minutes
Located in: Rocky View County
Nearby Natural Areas of Interest:: Big Hill Springs Provincial Park, Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation, Ghost Lake and Bow River.

Just 37kms west of Calgary is the quaint little town of Cochrane. Sitting at the base of “Big Hill” in the Bow River Valley, and with views of the foothills and Rocky Mountains, the stunning natural beauty serves as a backdrop to everyday life here.

Cochrane has a strong and proud western heritage to go along with its pretty views, making it a little slice of paradise close to a big city.

The residents here are hospitable and welcoming, hosting various events and festivals throughout the year. Enjoying a relaxed pace of living while still having access to all the amenities they need, including boutique shops, cozy cafes, delicious dining options and basic everyday necessities.

Outdoor enthusiasts are spoiled for choice with nearby hiking trails, parks, ATV and Snow Mobile trails, making it easy to stay active and explore the picturesque surroundings.

You can snap up a nice suburban home here for a great price, especially as the once little village is seeing quite a bit of urban development! If you’re looking on the outskirts of town in a more rural area, well you might want to check in with your accountant and mortgage broker as you’ll be paying a pretty penny for an acreage out here. For fellow equestrians, this is a great spot to find a property already set up for you and your horses as well.

If you’re selling a home, as of 2024, on average it takes about 45 days to do so. Undoubtably the proximity to Calgary, while also offering expansive living opportunities makes Chochrane a very desirable place to call home.


Average | Median Sale Price (Detached – 2024): $399,363  |  $350,000
Proximity to Calgary: 2hrs 30 mins
Located in: Municipality of Crowsnest Pass
Nearby Natural Areas of Interest:: Crowsnest Provincial Park, Castle Provincial Park, Bob Creek Wildland, Parts of the Rocky Mountains Forest Reserve.

If you’re really looking to immerse yourself in rural living, Crownest Pass is a beautiful place to do it. In the 70s the town of Crowsnest Pass amalgamated with the nearby towns and hamlets of Bellevue, Blairmore, Coleman, Frank, and Improvement District (ID) No.5. The laid-back pace of life allows for a sense of tranquility and connection to nature that is increasingly rare in today’s world.

A testament to rugged beauty, The Pass offers an abundance of awe-inspiring scenery with towering peaks, lush forests, and pristine lakes. Once a coal mining town, the area is steeped in a rich history. If you’re driving through be sure to stop in at the Frank’s Slide Interpretive Centre for a fascinating telling of the Frank’s slide tragedy. For a good lunch, stop in at The Pass Beer Co. For incredible Pizza and a pint.

Outdoor enthusiasts will fall in love with the ample opportunities for hiking, nearby skiing opportunities, fishing in crystal-clear streams, biking, ATV and snowmobiling adventures, horseback riding, golfing and more!

The sense of community runs deep in The Pass, where neighbours come together to celebrate local events, support small businesses, and preserve the area’s unique heritage and natural surroundings.

Now, the average and median sales price is on the lower side, but if you are looking to buy a rural home or a home on acreage, you should expect to pay upwards of $700,000 for this, and more for if the property comes with a mountain view, which many do.  Time to sell is a littler slower here with the average being 66 days.

Although you may have to drive a bit of a distance to larger stores, mountain living and stunning surrounding come at a decent price in The Pass and boy is the driving worth it for those views!


Average | Median Sale Price (Detached – 2024): $563,741  |  $560,000
Proximity to Calgary: 50 minutes
Located in: Foothills County
Nearby Natural Areas of Interest:: Sheep River Provincial Park, Bluerock Wildland Provincial Park.

Tucked away amidst rolling hills and vast prairie landscapes, Diamond Valley epitomises the beauty of Alberta’s countryside. Formerly Turner Valley & Black Diamond separated by the Black Sheep River – the two amalgamated in January of 2023. This is a rural town about 50 minutes south of Calgary.

Residents here enjoy a tight-knit community atmosphere, where friendly neighbours quickly become like family. With a slower pace of life, Diamond Valley provides a respite from the hustle and bustle of city living, something we hope remains for many years to come.

Similar to other areas already mentioned, Diamond Valley offers extraordinary outdoor recreating. Horseback riding, sight seeing, hiking or cycling on the town’s Friendship Trail. If you’re looking for some epic views, be sure to take a drive down to the Bluerock Woodland Provincial Park area and marvel at the beautiful scenery along the way.

If tasty bites are your thing, Westwood is a MUST visit. And for the best milkshake – I would argue in the country – check out the iconic 50s style diner Marv’s Classic Soda Shop. Neither will disappoint.

You can find affordable living options here but properties don’t last long. The average days on market for 2023/2024 was about 32 days. A range of properties are available, from cute suburban gems to sprawling acreages. Horse properties and large homes with plenty of charm too.

We were hesitant to put this town on the list as we’d like to maintain the rural charm here. So be sure to only make the move here only if you are ready to embrace a rural way of life.


Average | Median Sale Price (Detached – 2024): $689,432  |  $630,000
Proximity to Calgary: 33 minutes
Located in: Foothills County
Nearby Natural Areas of Interest:: Various Woodlands & Wetlands

The perfect balance between small-town living with all modern amenities you need, just 30 minutes south of Calgary. Nestled along the Sheep River Valley with stunning views of the Rocky Mountains and acres of sprawling farmland, Okotoks boasts a picturesque setting that you’ll adore.

This is a growing community that has seen a lot of urban development over the last numbers of years. As both Calgary and Okatoks expand, it is starting to feel like Okatoks is becoming a suburb of Calgary. You have access to all the amenities you need here as well as good schools and safe neighbourhoods – it is easy to see why this area is vastly becoming a top choice for families.

Despite development, residents and the township have implemented green initiatives and commitment to preserving green spaces. Plus, there are numerous opportunities to enjoy the outdoors with multiple golf courses and extensive pathways for hiking and biking in the beautiful surroundings.

A mix of housing opportunities are available in Okatoks. In town you can find newly built homes on large lots, older homes in need of some TLC and everything in between. On the outskirts of town, you can find impressive, high end homes with postcard views of the mountains, timber frame beauties and picturesque farms.

It doesn’t take long to sell a home here. As of 2024, the average days on market sits at 27 days with the median being noteworthy at only 15 days.


Average | Median Sale Price (Detached – 2024): $377,974  |  $341,000
Proximity to Calgary: 2hrs 10minutes
Located in: MD of Pincher Creek No. 9
Nearby Natural Areas of Interest:: Beauvais Lake Provincial Park, Castle Wildland Provincial Park, Oldman River.

The spirit of “the west” is alive and well in the incredible rural area of Pincher Creek with a strong and thriving ranching community. Situated at the doorstep of the majestic Rocky Mountains, residents enjoy spectacular Livingstone Mountain Range, vast pastureland and pristine waterways.

Community is at the heart of life in Pincher Creek, where friendly faces are a familiar sight. The town’s rich history is evident in its charming downtown, lined with historic buildings and local shops, where residents gather to support small businesses and connect with neighbours.

If you’re staying, make sure to hit up Pincher Creek Meats for some of THE MOST delicious “ranch to table” meat we think you’ll find anywhere. Plus every Friday they do a Brisket on a Bun that is surreal. Driving through town you’ll see deer lounging in backyards and grassy patches without a care in the world.

Pincher Creek is an adventurer’s paradise – enjoy nearby hiking, fishing, skiing, horseback riding, or simply take a drive and explore the rural roads that boast million dollar views.

Although homes are affordable here, similar to others, rural homes do come with a higher price tag. This is a rural community so although all your necessities are in town, accessing major big box stores means having to drive to Lethrbidge or Fernie in BC. As you might imagine, home take a while to sell here where 71 days is about the norm.

This is a special place. And new residents are welcoming. But it is important that those moving here know it is important to integrate into the culture, while also ensuring you maintain respect for the land, the ranchers and abundant wildlife.

If you would like to purchase a home in this region, please reach out to us.

Looking for a rural home in Ontario? Read out “The 8 Most Popular Areas to buy a home in Ontario” post here.


For the latest statistics on RURAL Home prices in Southern Alberta, be sure to read out 2023/2024 Rural Home Report [Alberta] by clicking the image below. 

Escaping the City: What Does It Really Mean to Live in a Country Home?

What does it really mean to live in a country home and outside of the city?

If you are reading this article you are likely considering what it would be like to live in the countryside, have already made the decision to do it, or are just dreaming of escaping the city and starting a new chapter of your life in the serene setting.

This can look very different from person to person.   

Some people envision a place with a small barn or workshop for hobbies, tinkering or housing their toys.  Others dream of having some animals or a big garden where they can be a little more self sufficient. We even have a few gentlemen clients that just like to smoke a cigar while riding around on their lawnmowers for a few hours on the weekend.

Then there are those that want a larger property where they can run more of an operation or business. Maybe in horses or some other livestock like cows or sheep.

We recently helped a family purchase a property where they did non of that and instead naturalized an entire section of their acreage. They planted over 2000 trees and have a trail system running through it simply for walking and enjoying their land.   

There are many different reasons people desire a little more space and a lot more privacy. And a country property is exactly where you’ll find it.

Of course, it means more time outdoors, pretty scenery and quiet evenings.  But these are all examples of what people do with their properties, but there is a deeper question of what does it actually mean to them and their families. 

If you were to ask people what it truly means to them you will find its EXACTLY what YOU are searching for.


We all want some sort of connection.  Some people would hate to live in the country, they want the city, the buzz, the restaurants and all the action.  For them that is the connection they want.  Living in the country offers a deeper longing for a connection with the earth and the natural world.  This is a connection with the circadian rhythm, the seasons, the weather, the plants and animals that cohabitate with you on your property.  The chance to connect with family and friends in a more grounded environment.  This is that type of connection those living in the countryside have. 

Lower Stress Levels:

When you wake up in the morning, trade in the ever present hum of traffic, your neighbours car alarm going off, the garbage truck, the construction workers banging their hammers on the neighbours roof or the framing crew building the subdivision close by for stepping outside to hear the breeze in the trees, the symphony of birds chirping, or the gentle call of your animals as you head down for morning feeds. 

When you arrive home, you trade in awkward conversations with your neighbours for meadows and a scenery that changes with the seasons.

There is a lot of research that suggests being in nature has great positive psychological effects. A study done in 2018 showed that between 10 – 50 minutes of time spent in nature can reduce stress levels shown by a measurable reduction in cortisol – a stress producing hormone. Imagine what it can do when you live in a more natural space.


When you eat a large fast food meal how do you feel?  Usually not very good, but you want to keep eating because your body isn’t getting what it needs.  How do you feel when you eat a healthy and wholesome meal?  Usually you feel satisfied!  You don’t need to over eat. You feel good because you gave your body what it needed and you feel content. 

Contentment is much easier to find when you are in an environment where you have more connection to nature, connection to family actives and lower levels of stress.  When your sitting on your porch or deck in the evening overlooking the nature on your property, hearing the crickets, the frogs, an owl or the song birds singing their final notes of the day, you can’t help but feel a sense of contentment.  The trees, the meadows, the pastures, the animals, don’t judge you for how much money you have, the clothes you wear or the car you drive. You accept things as they are and you feel accepted. This is contentment.


There is a lot of noise in the world, and no-one can avoid it completely. However, having your home be a reprieve from the urbanised world gives you a tremendous sense of peace.   

Peace in its definition means freedom from disturbance.   

There is an endless list of benefits from finding peace that range from the psychological, physiological, and spiritual.  A place to reflect, clear the mind, find your creativity, the list goes on and on. If you haven’t laid in a hammock between a couple of trees in the country side on a lazy afternoon, I highly recommend you try it, you will find peace there.

Peace comes when you find connection, lower stress levels, and are content with your life in the moment. 

This is what is really means to escape the city and live in the country.

If you have read this far then there must be a part of you that truly resonates with this vision.

The brokerage we are part of has a motto – live life on your terms. And we often talk about what that means for us, our clients and our families in our Monday morning team meetings.

On Monday we looked at the below chart. It is sobering chart and gets us every time.

It shows how much of your life you have already lived and what you have left … all laid out in plain black and white. If we didn’t know before, the chart definitely helps to show how short life can be and how precious our time is.

If you are thinking of doing something for yourself, like making an escape to the countryside, don’t wait. Start your search for your little slice of heaven and start enjoying where you live sooner rather than later.

Comparing Alberta and Ontario Rural Home Prices

ON vs AB Rural Home Prices.

Being licensed in two provinces has given us access to excellent information on the rural real estate market in both Alberta and Ontario.

The differences between sale prices, the number of sold listings and how long it takes to sell rural listings across both provinces has been an interesting comparison – especially in the current market climate.

Without looking at the data, most people would guess that their money would go quite a bit further out west… Well, at least in Alberta.

We broke down the average sale prices across various acreage ranges in both provinces to see how true this is.

For rural type properties with .5 acres and more, Alberta came in at 5 months, and Ontario came in at about 7.3 months for the same property type. Indicating a relatively balanced market in Alberta but a much stronger buyers market in Ontario – at least for this property type.

Throughout this article it is important to remember that the rural real estate market should not be used as a representation of the entire real estate market.

For instance, OREA reported “months of inventory numbered 4.2 at the end of September 2023” in Ontario, while Alberta’s months of supply came in at 2.36 months for the same period. This paints a different picture when looking at all real estate types compared to just one sector of the real estate market. But our focus is rural so that is the information we are bringing to you!

Both Ontario and Calgary have some truly incredible rural living options.

For the sake of this article we are looking at rural properties within an hours radius of Toronto vs. Rural properties within an hours radius of Calgary.

The below data is take from the period of Jan 1 2023 – November 1st 2023.



None of the above data is particularly shocking.  While it would be a stretch to say Alberta is “cheap”, it certainly offers significant discounts on pricing when compared to Ontario across the board.

Looking at the above average sales prices, we see the highest number of sales in Ontario was in the 0.5 – 1.99 acre range, where as in Alberta it was in the 2 – 4.99 acre range. Interestingly,  Alberta also came in over $100,000 less for double the property size.

The largest price difference was noted on the large acreages though. At 100 acres and above. Large properties in Ontario are clearly very expensive in this acreage range by comparison, coming in at over DOUBLE that of Alberta.

The numbers above include properties that were both farmland and equestrian properties. This is an important note because it is not unusual for high end equestrian facilities to be situated on 50-100+ acres of land. These properties fetch a significant premium when they are sold and would be accounted for in the averages above.

Not only that, it is becoming more common for farmland in Ontario to sell as buildable land for subdivisions and suburban sprawl. If a piece of land within an hour radius of Toronto is developable you can bet it is going to sell for a substantial price.

Ontario had significantly more of both of these types of properties traded than Alberta did for our year-to-date data above. 

To get a better understanding of actual farm prices we looked at the 2022 FCC report – which specifically covers cultivated land, pastureland and irrigated land. Even still, we see that farmland is significantly more expensive in Ontario.

Farm Credit Canada’s Historic Values Report noted a 10% increase in Alberta’s farmland prices from 2021 to 2022. While Ontario farmland prices increased by almost double that at 19.4%. According to the same report, price per acre came in at $6,340 for Alberta in 2022. While price per acre was a whopping $17,513 in Ontario for the same year. These are Alberta and Ontario wide averages. Alberta has had a few drought years while the Ontario farmland over the last few years have produced very high yields and this would play a part in how the valuable the land is in one area compared to the other.

We all know there are a number of differences between the two provinces, many of which contribute to the difference in housing supply and prices that we see.

One huge factor is the difference in population.

Calgary, Okotoks, Airdrie and Cochrane have a combined population of approximately 1.78 Million people.  The Greater Golden Horseshoe has a population of 9.6 Million people. Simple supply and demand equation. Toronto is also the financial hub of the country.  With 9.6 Million people in and around the Greater Golden Horseshoe, you are likely going to have a greater number of higher net worth buyers with very deep pockets that can pay the premium for these property types.

Another is the difference of geography in the rural areas that are within an hour’s drive of these major cities.

The Greenbelt surrounds the city of Toronto.  Between the Greenbelt and the city there is a large chunk of suburban sprawl all the way around the lake as well, which fills in a lot of the land within an hours drive.  This in turn makes the rural properties closer to the city more expensive simply because of their proximity. Not only that, with Toronto being on Lake Ontario, the hour radius includes a large portion that is not habitable (that is, you can’t actually build on the lake). Whereas our 1 hour radius around Calgary primarily covers habitable land except for a small portion of the mountains and wilderness to the west in Provincial Park lands where your can’t build homes.

Whichever way you slice it, you get more bang for your buck in Alberta, no question about it. 

There may not be as many options to buy, but you also won’t be up against as many buyers when you find that perfect rural home.

If you are looking to buy out west – we hope you contact us first! We can take care of you here, and there, with a dedicated team and contacts already in place in both provinces.

Search Alberta Rural Homes for Sale HERE

Search Ontario Rural Homes & Equestrian Properties for Sale HERE.

Selling Your Rural Home in a Slow Market

Selling your rural home in a slow real estate market …

The never ending traffic delays on the QEW had me re-routing my trip to what I call the “scenic route” home.

Driving down White Church Rd E, and onto Silver Street I noticed the many “For Sale” signs along those roads. I’ve been frustrated enough by the traffic to take these roads many times and the number of FOR SALE signs was out of the ordinary.

I got home, opened my laptop curious to see how long some of these beautiful looking properties had been sitting for. The averages? 76 days, 112 days, 67 days…

It is no secret we are in a slow market… many are electing not to make any big purchases right now because of the state of the economy and sitting tight in their current homes instead.

The days of throwing your house up on the market in an “as is” state are gone (or should be). If you want to be competitive in selling your home, this is our advice.

1. Does your house stand out?

The hard reality is – your house probably isn’t as special as you might think. A hard thing for any sentimental home seller to hear.  We love our home too and think it is better than our neighbours but realistically if we were to sell, we would have to think… what does our house really have that is better than the next best alternative?

This might be more so the case in the suburbs but the difference between your 5 acre property and the 5 acre property down the road is starting to matter less to buyers unless the home offers something that they feel is valuable to them.

Unless your property offers something that stands out to the dwindling prospective buyer pool, it is likely going to take longer to sell. Heck, even if it does, it might still take a long time to sell.

What could that something special be? It could be an amazing view, a special backyard set-up-for-entertaining, a magazine worthy living area and kitchen, event worthy outbuildings and so on.

2. Touch Ups, Repairs & Decluttering.

If your house does’t necessarily have anything unique to showcase, that’s ok. Your next best option is to have it looks its absolute best.

Our advise would be to keep the colours neutral. CLEAN the house – and I mean clean – baseboards, floors, ceiling fans, window sills.

Decluttering is a must as well – there’s no need to have excessive amounts of things lying around.

Minor repairs such as re-grouting your shower tiles, making sure all appliances are working, all lights bulbs are working, etc. goes a long way with tying everything together.

A well-maintained home not only looks more appealing but also gives buyers confidence that they won’t encounter any unexpected issues.

3. How is your house priced?

Arrghh! You might think… Of course they bring up price. I can feel your eyes rolling at this point.

Competitively pricing your home is essential in these times… whether you like it or not.

There still seems to be a small passive aggressive battle going on between buyers and sellers. Buyers, realizing we are in a slow market feel they should be able to get a deal on the property they want to buy. Sellers feel their house is worth a great deal more than it might be currently.

Are you listing to sell or listing to test the market? Ask yourself this seriously.

Testing the market for a week is one thing but stubbornly sitting at a price when you get no offers is another.

Right now is not a great time to test the market. If you need to sell, price the house to sell.  Don’t grossly over price your home and leave it at that price for weeks on end.  Set a threshold of time and if you don’t get the interest you should then adjust the price to something that is more realistic.  You run the risk of having your property go stale if you are trying to “see how much you can get”, or “only selling for a certain price”.

Why would you test the market, only to have your property sit and cancel it later? It is public knowledge how long a house has been listed through House Sigma – it’s not just agents and their clients that can see you had your house sit at a certain price for months on end. Even when you cancel the listing, and re-list, which you will, some buyers see and take it as an opportunity to low ball you. Having a house sit for a long period says either something is wrong with the house, or the Seller is difficult to deal with. It make people reluctant to see it, it makes people think they can low ball you because you’re either desperate or it makes people not want to waste their time looking at your house.

Now is NOT the ideal time to test the market.

Sell if you need to, wait to list if you don’t.

4. To do upgrades or not to do upgrades?

A question we have been asked a lot by home sellers recently is – should I do major upgrades to me house before listing?

Currently our recommendation is no.

Putting in a brand new kitchen for example *may* not bring in a significant amount more money in these times. Having said that, a house with a nicer kitchen will sell sooner and likely for a little more than a comparable with an outdated kitchen. But you may not be able to recoup your costs entirely in this market.

An in between might be to have the cabinets professionally repainted and a new counter top installed to refresh the look of a dated kitchen.

A question we have been asked a lot by home sellers recently is – should I do major upgrades to me house before listing?

Currently our recommendation is no.

Putting in a brand new kitchen for example *may* not bring in a significant amount more money in these times. Having said that, a house with a nicer kitchen will sell sooner and likely for a little more than a comparable with an outdated kitchen. But you may not be able to recoup your costs entirely in this market.

An in between might be to have the cabinets professionally repainted and a new counter top installed to refresh the look of a dated kitchen.

6. The bare minimum in marketing.

It should go without saying but professional photographs for your rural listing are a must. A non-negotiable.  Staging and re-staging is very helpful these days and can make a difference to how people see your home. There are a number of other marketing strategies to use but you can hire us if you want to benefit from those. 🙂

This too shall not last. Just like the buying rampage didn’t last, this slow market won’t last forever.  If history is shows us anything, there is likely to be a significant rebound in the next 24 months.  We are in the decade of volatility.

Sell if you need to sell, otherwise why not wait until the real estate market is in a better state? You may not be able to time the market but once buyer confidence increases and interest rate announcements become more predictable, you can feel more confident about listing.

Current Rural Home Market Conditions in the Greater Golden Horseshoe

Current Rural Home Market Conditions in the Greater Golden Horseshoe.

How bad is it really?

Most of us have been paying close attention to the current market conditions. Whether you are in the industry, actively in the market, or not, it is easy to see things have slowed down, especially when compared to this time last year. 

We’ve pulled some numbers to give everyone an idea of what is happening with rural real estate market prices. 

Fall is a time of year many expect there to be more activity in the market. If you’ve heard someone say “Oh… we are waiting for the fall market to list” – the last couple of months is the time they are referring to. 

But this year, we didn’t really have a “fall” market. Things have stayed quiet for the most part. 

Any hopes of November being a better month for sellers were dashed by the BOC’s October 26th announcement of the another increase in interest rates.  

Here are some basic statistics for you for AUGUST to OCTOBER 2022:

Average Sales Prices
We see about a 7% difference in sales prices this year compared to the same period from last year. Prices for rural properties have come down but not by a drastic amount. 

List to Sales Price Ratio
The list to sales price ratio evidently show that properties are no longer selling for over list and buyers are now able to purchase a property, on average, for under the asking price. 

Day on Market
Days on market indicate properties are taking longer to sell than they were in 2021. I think we can all agree we have become accustomed to quick list and sale cycles – with properties selling on offer date in a week, some even within a few hours of being listed. 

Months of Inventory
To give us some insight into the demand and supply balance, we like to look at months of inventory. This is the number of months it would take to sell the currently active listings if no other listings were to come up. A balanced real estate market would show around 6 months of inventory.  Right now we are seeing approximately 4.4 months of inventory in rural homes which is up from this time last year. This is unsurprising given that demand appears to be much less than it was in October of 2021. 

We also think it is important to look at what the stats are saying for properties still listed.

Here are the numbers for currently listed properties:

The current average list price is higher than what the predominate amount of listings are selling for. 

This doesn’t mean that if you have a property listed at $2M it is now worth $1.3M.

What the numbers indicate is that higher priced properties, on average, likely aren’t selling as often as those listed closer to or under, the $1.3M price point. The days on market also show that these higher priced properties are staying on market longer than those listed closer to the average. 

The DOM is a good indicator for sellers that this is what they may want to expect in terms of the time it is going to take to sell their home in the current climate. 

The Current to Original List Price Ratio gives us an idea of the difference between what, on average, properties are listed for and shows that these prices, at least over the last few months, have come down from the original list price.  

Right now, we’re in a strange economic time and it is being reflected quite strongly in our real estate market – rural and regular.

One of our favourite instagram accounts to follow for a good laugh is @TheBrokeAgent, and they said it perfectly:

All jokes aside, it could be too soon to tell – definitively – what type of market we have. We can see that based on the current numbers the sellers market we had in 2021 is not as strong this year. Purchasers are able to negotiate down in their offers and put necessary contingencies in. Prices have started to come down, properties are sitting on the market for longer and we aren’t seeing the chaos of competing offers that we had been seeing for the last 2+ years. 

Buyers are wary of rising interest rates and need time to adjust to the new rate while sellers with a prime property will likely wait for a better time to list.

We have heard from the BOC and our various mortgage brokers that we should expect another rate increase on December 7th. With a slow down in spending across the country, it is tough to say how long rates will stay at this level.

For more information on tackling today’s real estate market and how interest rates are impacting the rural home market, be sure to check out our article on Tackling Today’s Rural Real Estate Market and don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and be one of the first to read our report on the 2022 RURAL REAL ESTATE MARKET. 

Environmental Zoning On Your Rural Property

If you’re buying a rural home there’s a good chance you have a serious appreciation for nature, green spaces and wildlife. You may also have an affinity for protecting those spaces.

It is not uncommon for rural homes to come with a section that is protected by environmental zoning. In fact, 95% of Ontario’s population lives in a watershed managed by a Conservation Authority.  Each environmental protection authority or protected area having its own requirements, restrictions and at times, prohibitions.

There are 31 Conservation Authorities operating in Southern Ontario. Conservation authorities that would govern over an Environmentally Protected (EP) or Environmental Conservation (EC) zoned area include examples such as the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, Grand River Conservation Authority, Halton Conservation and the Kawartha Lakes Conservation Authority. As you might have guessed, each one has its own jurisdiction ensuring the protection of environmentally significant areas in their area. They do so through the conservation, restoration and responsible management of Ontario’s water, land and natural habitats through programs that balance human, environmental and economic needs.

At times, a property may have a registered conservation easement on the land. If one is registered on the property in question you would have to adhere to what has been stipulated in this easement. For instance, some conservation easements restrict the building of any type of building on the property. Properties with conservation easements aren’t as common as properties with simply environmental zoning or conservation protections, but it is always a good idea to check.

With that out of the way, here are some important points about owning a property with environmental or conservation zoning classifications.

There May Be Land Use Restrictions

These restrictions can include things like:

  • Farming – as a way to limit the amount of potentially hazardous runoff or chemical sprays that could damage the surrounding environment. Some EP zoning can even go so far as to limit all agricultural activities.
  • Tree cutting – except for maintenance or limited personal use. Commercial tree cutting in this type of zone is often prohibited.
  • Subdividing or Severing – this is often the case if the property is located in a significant area such as the Greenbelt, Niagara Escarpment Zone or Oak Ridges Moraine Zone.
  • Building – this can be of any type within the environmentally protected zone. More on this below.

We recently had a client inquire about a very picturesque property in West Lincoln. It did have an existing home on it, however, this home was run down and not considered liveable at the time. Before setting up a showing we did some digging into the zoning,

According to the town, because the property is entirely zoned with environmental protections, one cannot develop the property in any way. There is an existing house on the property that is considered legal-non conforming.  In order to alter this existing home, your would need planning approval to do so. If someone wanted to say demolish the existing house and build a new one, you would need to either request a minor variance or apply for re-zoning. Both of which can be expensive and don’t necessarily guarantee success.

Environmental Conservation (Light Grey) and Environmental Protection (Dark Grey).

There May Be Building Restrictions

Typically, a property with an existing dwelling in an EP zone can be altered with permission from the local municipality and (importantly) the local conservation authority. Alternatively, the EP zone may not cover the entire property and the parts that are not considered EP or EC can be built on while adhering to restrictions of the other zone classifications (commonly Rural, Residential, Agricultural, etc.).

Here is an example:

The below image shows properties that have environmental protections as portions are considered to be Provincially Protected Wetlands. The main blue shows the protected areas while the more transparent blue shows a 30-meter non-interference buffer. The rest of the image shows mixed zoning with the primary being A-Agricultural. According to the NPCA, one cannot build any type of structure in the blue zone or the 30-meter buffer zone.

It is especially important to do your due diligence on vacant land to ensure you can build your dream home on the property. If a vacant land property is entirely EP or EC and restricts the building of any kind, you would likely have to seek a zoning change. This can cost thousands of dollars and does not guarantee success. It is also strongly advised that your lawyer ensure there are no registered conservation easements on the property that prohibits building.

There Could Be An Impact on Property Value

When you are starting out on your rural home search you should always be thinking about the perceived future value of the property to other buyers.

It might be surprising to think that sometimes conservation zoning can have a negative impact on the value of the property. This depends strictly on how much of the land is considered protected, how it is protected and how restrictive the zoning regulations are. As with the above two examples, buyers may shy away from these types of properties if they are unable to use the land to say build a small barn or have a few farm animals on the property. Even more would be reluctant of having to apply for rezoning.

This is especially true with vacant land. All other things being equal – a vacant property that is entirely protected by a conservation easement preventing any building, of any kind, just isn’t going to fetch nearly as much as a similar property that allows for a home to be built on it. 

On the other hand, an environmentally protected property can also add value to its owner or potential buyers. For instance, if the property has buildable land (or has an existing home on it) and space for other outbuildings, yet conservation has resulted in a beautiful forest growing at the back of the property, a clean stream running through it or wildlife protection, this would likely be perceived as valuable. This offers buyers land-use diversity while still providing the enjoyment of natural surroundings.

You May Need To Steward The Land

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Many of Ontario’s most significant conservation lands are privately owned. 

It is our belief that anyone owning a rural property should steward their land. By this we mean you should try to look after the property and pass it on better than you had it. Maintaining forests, green spaces and conserving wildlife are some examples of how to do this.

It is even more important (if not mandatory) that if you own a property that is under environmental protection you look after the land. This means you may need to control manure run off with correct storage, control and remove invasive plant species, plant native species, possibly tree felling, maintain open spaces, and more.

There Could Be Possible Tax Benefits

There may be tax benefits to owning an environmentally protected property. However, one needs to meet very specific requirements in order to qualify.

For example, if you own a large enough property with a forest, and meet certain eligibility requirements, you may qualify for the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP). People who qualify for this program can only pay 25% of the municipal tax rate set for residential properties. This is a voluntary program where as a landowner you commit to being a steward of your own forest and as a reward for this you get a reduction in your property taxes.

You can read more about the Managed Forest Tax incentive Program here.

Another possibility is the Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program. This program is a little more “exclusive” shall we say. In order to qualify your property or a portion of your property, you will need to meet certain conservation criteria and be accepted. Similar to the MFTIP, this is a voluntary program. However, one difference with this program is that areas are identified, and approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) only. Also, you cannot turn your property into a naturally significant area. 

You can read more about the Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program here.


As a final but important note, make sure to check zoning with your local municipality. Do not rely on the listing information and do not take the listing agent’s word for it. This goes to both cooperating agents and you as the buyer. It doesn’t take much to contact the local municipality. They are usually happy to provide you with information and can provide clear maps, information and details about what can or cannot be done on a property. 

This article does not constitute legal advice. When questions arise based on specific situations, direct them to a knowledgeable attorney.

Understanding The Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program

What is the Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program

The Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program (CLTIP) intends to reward private property owners that agree to protect conservation lands and natural areas of significance located on their property. 

Landowners of eligible properties qualify for up to a 100% property tax exemption for the portion of the property that qualifies. 

Similar to the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program, the CLTIP is a voluntary program. However, one difference with this program is that areas are identified, and approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) only. Also, you cannot turn your property into a naturally significant area. 

It is important to note that not every conservation or naturally significant area qualifies for this program.


What Are Identified Areas of Significance?

Without going into too much detail on each, areas of natural significance and conservation lands that have been identified by the MNRF include the following:

  • Provincially Significant Wetlands
  • Provincially Significant Areas of Natural & Scientific Interest (ANSIs)
  • habitats of a regulated endangered species (as defined by the CLTIP)
  • Land designated as Escarpment Natural Area under the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act.
  • Community Conservation Lands – where charitable conservation organizations, who have a primary objective of natural heritage conservation, or Conservation Authorities.

Should your land meet the above, the MNR would reach out to the landowner in question with an application package. They do this annually in the spring. If you believe your land is eligible you can also contact the program at or at 1-800-268-8959.

Community Conservation Lands can request a packaged and apply for the program. 

What Criteria Need To Be Met?

  1. Property Eligibility
    • The property needs to be identified by the MNRF as being eligible (see above criteria).
    • The area of significance needs to be at least 1/2 an acre or larger in size.

  2. Your Eligibility
    • If your property meets eligibility, you will need to COMMIT to protecting the designated portion of the property that is eligible.
    • Allow inspections by the MNRF staff when requested.

Buildings and other improvements are not eligible for tax relief. 

Section 3.5 of the CLTIP program policy outlines permitted land uses and management of these protected lands. 

Conservation Land Tax Program vs. Conservation Easements

Sometimes there can be confusion about having a property with a conservation area versus one that has conservation easements registered on the property. 

It is important to note that when you purchase a CLTP eligible property, the conservation portion of the property has nothing to do with the title. Therefore as a new owner, you will have to apply to be part of the program, if you wish to be. 

Alternatively, a conservation easement on a property is registered on title and will pass from one owner to the other. Meaning any restrictions or requirements set out by the easement must be adhered to by the new owner/s. 

Helpful Resources

For more information on the CLTIP please see the below:

Understanding the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program

What is the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program?

Property owners that meet certain criteria can be eligible for a tax reduction on their property taxes based on their willingness and ability to participate in the Managed Forest Program. Essentially you become the steward of your own forest and as a reward for this you get a reduction in your property taxes.

Landowners who qualify for this program pay 25% of the municipal tax rate set for residential properties. 

This program is governed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and is 100% voluntary. 

The MFTIP is a great opportunity to reduce your taxes while also helping the environment. However, there is quite a bit of commitment and effort that goes into maintaining and caring for your managed forest if you are approved.

Here is what you need to know. 


What Criteria Do You Need to Meet?

1. Your Property Eligibility

Your property will need to be:

      • 9.88 Acres or more of forested land on a single property (with one municipal roll number)
      • Located in Ontario
      • Have 400 trees per Acre; or
      • Have 300 trees per Acre with the trees measuring more than 2 inches in diameter; or
      • Have 200 trees per Acre with the trees measuring more than 5 inches in diameter; or
      • Have 100 trees per Acres with the trees measuring more than 8 inches in dimeter

The MFTIP does have classifications on which trees are eligible for this program as well. These are tree species found in the book “Trees in Canada” by John Laird Farrar.

Any areas used for the residence, those that are landscaped and any other areas used for the enjoyment of the residence are not eligible for the MFTIP and will be deducted from the total acreage.  For example, a property with a home on 50 acres may only have 49 acres of eligible area for the MFTIP, or less. This is a very simple example and other variables might come in to play here.

Areas used for recreation are typically not eligible either. Think golf courses and ski hills.

2. Your Own Eligibility

You will need to be:

      • A permanent resident or citizen of Canada; or
      • A Canadian corporation, partnership or trust; or
      • Be a registered conservation authority or trust

Applying For the MFTIP

If all of the above sounds a little confusing, and if you’re not sure whether your property would qualify or not, not to worry. You will be required to come up with a plan and this plan will need to be approved by a designated Managed Forest Plan Approver. You can also hire one to help you with the plan.

Here are some brief steps:

1. Come up with a Managed Forest Plan

This plan will need to encompass your commitment to follow a 10-year plan that details how you will manage the forest. The plan still needs to have a long-term outlook of at least 20+ years.

If you’re unsure of where to start, you can look at the Guide to Stewardship Planning for Natural Areas

All requirements are laid out in this Guide.

It is also important to note that you will have to submit a five-year progress report in the fifth year of your initial plan.


2. Have Your Plan Approved by A Managed Forest Plan Approver.

To see a list of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry designated Approvers in your area, click here

There is typically a fee for this but you will have to contact the Approver directly as these costs can vary.

Again, you can also hire a Forest Plan Approver to prepare the plan for you from scratch if you do not want to do it yourself.

The Approver will:

– Visit your property and confirm eligibility
– Ensure your plan meets the MFTIP standards
– Revise your plan if necessary
– If eligible, approve your plan and complete approval forms

If you are purchasing a home with an existing Managed Forest in place, the plan will not transfer to you. However, you could ask the homeowner to see their plan as a guide and reference.

3. Complete and Submit Your Application

We won’t go into the nitty-gritty here as you can read everything you need to know about the application in the Stewardship Guide.

But here are a couple of important things to note:

– The application deadline is June 30th of any given year.
– You’ll need to provide your most recent Notice of Property Assessment with your application


What Could Get Your Removed From The MFTIP?

Severing The Property.

If at any time, you decide to sever your property, you will automatically be removed from the MFTIP by MPAC. Even if your property does still meet eligibility requirements, you will need to submit a new plan and application package.

Selling The Property.

The MFTIP is applied to the owner of the property only. Therefore should you sell, your property will no longer be eligible for the MFTIP and be removed from the program by MPAC.

The new owner will need to apply on his / her own merit with a new plan and application package.

An existing owner can choose to share the existing plan they have but the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry will not share any plans without permission from the seller.

Not Following Good Forestry Practices.

You can read all about good forestry practices here

This is where a large part of In short, you will need to be responsible for not only managing and maintaining your forest through thinning if needed, harvesting and re-planting but also for by protecting important ecosystems, wildlife and fish as well as the soil and any water that are found on your property.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry are is serious about this. Doing things like pasturing livestock on the designated managed forest, removing soil or incorrect harvesting (e.g. diameter limit cutting) are not permitted under this program. 

Can I plant trees on my property to benefit from the MFTIP?

The short answer is yes, but of course, you will need to still follow the above criteria in order to qualify. This includes planting specific species of trees and having enough acres of forest.

Of course there is a cost to this so you will need to weigh the cost of tree planting to the tax savings you will receive under the MFTIP. It would be a good idea to contact your local Conservation Authority or a Managed Forest Plan Approver for advice on this.

Can I have buildings in the Managed Forest?

Unfortunately no. Any buildings or area used for residential purposes are deducted from the total area of the managed forest, even if there are trees on this area. 

Typically a minimum of a one acre area is deducted from the total area of managed forest but again this is going to be property specific.

Helpful Resources:

Here are some helpful places to start if you are interested in being part of the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program.


  3. MFTIP Guide:

The Country Home Flip



For a long time, flipping homes has been something that many people want to do but only a few succeed at. The country house flip, or more popularly known, “the farmhouse flip” is a new-ish trend sweeping the internet.

Hundreds of YouTube Channels and websites are dedicated to just this. People buying dated and sometimes run-down country homes and farmhouses, renovating them and re-selling them for a profit.

A new HGTV show, ‘The Farmhouse Fixer’ will, similar to other HGTV shows and online “house hacking” trends, likely push the popularity of the trend even further. All these shows make flipping seem like a fun and easy way to invest in real estate. Maybe it is in parts of the U.S., but, here in Canada, things are quite different.

So, as a way to bring people back to reality, or at least provide a warning to those who want to tackle this endeavour … we are offering some point of advice and some recommendations.

Before we jump into those though, let’s start off with a big disclaimer, shall we…

I’m not a big fan of flipping homes to try to make a quick buck. In fact, we often tell people there is no “get rich quick” method to real estate investing. And we’ve often recommended clients look at alternatives to flipping when exploring ways to invest in real estate.

Yes, a good few have been successful with flipping properties. However, they often have big budgets and a tried and true method to follow. It is not for the faint of heart and it can be INCREDIBLY risky.

If you are buying a farmhouse or country home with plans to renovate and “flip”it, you should be buying the home because that’s where you want to live for a few years while you fix it up. That should be your strategy. You should not be getting into this to try and turn around to make money in six months or a year. Anything can happen, many things can go wrong and you should be very careful.

With that out of the way, let’s dive.

1. Have A Big Budget

For Purchasing The Home

In today’s market, most homes come with a hefty price tag. Even if you’re not competing for it against multiple other offers, country homes still do not come cheap.

Even if you are looking at buying a teardown. Sellers know a good chunk of the value can be asked for the land, no matter how many improvements need to be made to the property. They aren’t wrong. Land is a finite resource, and land in a good location even more so.

However, banks do not see it the same way. Traditional lenders will not provide financing for the entire property if the majority of the value is in the land. Often times if a traditional A lender is willing to loan you money for a vacant land property, they can ask the buyer to provide 50% of the downpayment. More detail would need to be discussed with your mortgage broker.

We’ll cover the location in more detail shortly. But, to wrap up, you want a house that is in a higher-end area where you can warrant asking for your higher price in the end. Something not too rural. You should expect to pay a minimum of $850,000 for a property in a great location, even for a property that needs work.


For Renovations

To state the obvious, you will need a good budget for renovations.

This is where having the knowledge of renovations, renovation costs, or having an experienced and reliable contractor who can give you quotes is necessary. You don’t want to go into a project blind without having an idea of what things may end up costing you.

Depending on the house and what is needed, you might be able to get a Principal + Improvements mortgage to help with some of the renovation costs. However, there are so many caveats to this. You’ll need to discuss this with a mortgage broker first. If you are getting into a major renovation, then principal + improvements will likely not work. Instead, you may need to look into getting a construction loan.

If you can avoid doing some big ticket items like the roof, utility systems (septic, cistern or well repairs or installations), that is ideal. This leaves more capital to invest in the cosmetic aesthetic, and this is where buyers can become emotionally motivated by how beautiful the home you are selling is. Although necessary, no one’s breath is taken away by a new or well functioning septic system. Ideally, you want to focus your budget on kitchens, bathrooms, changing the layout or adding additions.

Once you start ripping away at walls, flooring and ceilings though, sometimes you run into surprises. Not the good kind either. Things like mold, water damage and old wiring that may have been missed earlier now become evident.

This is where the contingency fund comes in…

Contingency Fund

Have a contingency fund. Things will go wrong, you will go over budget (especially if you haven’t done this before) and can run into issues that may not have been apparent during your home inspection (if you were lucky enough to do one before your offer was firm in this market). The older the house, the more true this will be.

Country homes can have odd utility systems to contend with as well. Making sure septic, well or cisterns are in good working order before you buy the home would be absolutely necessary. Running into issues with these items can get very costly very quickly.

Remember To Account For Other Costs
Aside from the renovation costs, you will have ongoing monthly expenses as well as other miscellaneous costs.Mortgage, utility bills, taxes, lawyers fees, realtor commissions (when you sell) and possibly capital gains tax could apply as well.


Play The Long Game With A 2+ Year Plan

You might be wondering how it can even be called a flip, then, if you have to hold the property for this length of time.

That is just the thing. There is no get rich quick option here, especially with country homes. This is why we say you need to want to live in the countryside and want to get into a major renovation project to do this. The market can change, projects can take a lot longer than initially expected and you may have to stay put for a while.

Your method should be more along the lines of buying a primary residence to fix up, hold for a little bit and sell at a profit in the future. This seems to be a more successful method for “flipping” a home. Both in terms of financial successes and keeping your mental sanity as well.

Capital Gains Taxes

For the property to be considered your primary residence you typically need to have lived at this home for 1 year to 18 months. There may be other requirements so definitely have a good accountant to help you.

The first time you do a project like this, you shouldn’t have any issues or owe capital gains taxes when you sell. However, if you were to start moving consistently every year, CRA will likely catch on to what you are doing and question you as to why you are moving so often.

Market Changes

As you know, real estate can be a fickle beast. The higher-end market can be volatile and is the most sensitive to external factors like government policies, interest rate changes, lending regulations and other economic influences.

Also, there is no timing the market! As such, you want to be flexible with your plan.

If you purchased a country home to fix up in 2016 and saw what was happening in 2020, you might decide that now is a good time to sell. And you’d probably be right. Had you tried to sell in 2019, perhaps you wouldn’t have done as well on the sale price as you could have today. Which, by the way, was not what most people thought during the first part of this year when COVID reared its ugly head.

In fact, during my research of property “flips” in the Greater Golden Horseshoe, I saw numerous listings that came back up for sale in 2020 after not selling in 2019. Many sold for the same asking price, some sold for more. This is a prime example of why patience is key.

I don’t have a crystal ball, you don’t have a crystal ball and neither does a HGTV host. You have to be flexible and react to the market you’re in. If you see things slowing down, or something catastrophic has happened, stay put. Don’t sell and wait it out. You want to try to react to things as you see them and act accordingly as best you can.


Time in the market is ideal! Not only to avoid capital gains taxes but also for appreciation as well. In a perfect world, you want to hold properties for some time so you can let appreciation do some of the heavy lifting for you.


Choosing The Right Property

The Buy

It seems that gone are the days of buying a cheap property in a prime, popular area.  You just can’t find a property in a popular area for cheap enough to do the flip at a lower price range.

Judging from recent sales, the”farmhouse flip” doesn’t work in cheaper, overly rural areas… as you might expect.  Typically, in the Greater Golden Horseshoe,  we saw a purchase of $700,000-$850,000 in 2017/2019 and a resale for $1,200,000-$1,500,000 in 2020, depending on the property and location.

The Property

Aside from the right price, you need to be selective about the type of country home you choose. Naturally, you want to choose a home with potential and ideally property that has something special about it. A distinct feature that makes it stand our or perhaps a beautiful lake or escarpment view for example.

You see, living in the countryside is still somewhat of a niche lifestyle that not everyone is up for. Going too rural limits the number of buyers that your property will appeal to when it comes times to sell. On that note, you also don’t want to buy an acreage that is too large. The most popular property size seems to be in the .5 to 10-acre range.

The Sale

When you take your home to the market, you need to make an impression.

Buyers have to see the value in your increased price. Did you just throw any old laminate flooring down, add in some new lights, painted and now want $400,000 more for the house? That is a recipe for failure.

Buyers have their agents go back into the property history, look at the original images and see where you’ve added value. They are very informed these days and to be frank, expect close to perfection, especially at the higher end price points.

Your aim should be to wow buyers.

By this I mean do something that stands out from the rest of the homes on the market.  Accentuate unique features like original beams, stone or brick walls, or gorgeous views. You could also try vaulting ceilings, opening up ceilings completely to expose trusses (if possible), adding in an addition with large windows or glass walls, maintain the character of the house while adding modern twists, opening up walls or adding in new doorways to change the layout as well as changing the exterior, to name just a few examples.

Adding special features like fireplaces, cozy exterior seating areas, outdoor kitchens, modern sheds or studios to a country property can really help too.

When one truly adds value to design, convenience and lifestyle features to the property, this is where most flips have success.

Choosing The Right Location

If you’re a savvy real estate investor you will know that choosing the right location is one of the most important factors for investing successfully.

As I have said, and if you had seen our examples, successful country home “flippers” saw most success when they purchased a home in a popular country home location. Again, in a location that is not too rural. As a good gage, about an hour’s drive to Toronto seems to be the sweet spot.

You can consider looking in areas like:

  • Flamborough, Puslinch and Campbellville are fantastic IF you can find a property cheap enough to start within these areas.
  • Lincoln and Grimsby are very popular Niagara Region locations. However, they are both smaller towns so it can be tough to get a good property here to begin with.
  • Areas like Erin and Rockwood in Wellington Country are beautiful spots.
  • Mono is a great place to explore as well.
  • Around New Tecumseth and Clearview in Simcoe County would be worth looking into as well.

The Renovations & Your Involvement

Unless you are a contractor yourself or are a very handy person with an eye for attention to detail that borders on OCD, don’t do the work yourself. Hire a trusted contractor to help you!

I know… Instagram channels and websites with “easy house hacks” showing you how to create faux wainscoting are fun but this is not the time to test out your woodworking skills. If time is of the essence for your project you definitely want to know what you are doing. Or hire someone that knows what they are doing.

You could though give project management a go instead of hiring a project manager. Again, though, you need to have a good eye for detail.

Shoddy work is noticeable, especially in a luxury home. If you even utter the words “Ehh, no one will notice”… they will. Or at least a realtor with a good eye will notice and getting your top end price at that point will be more difficult. When I am showing a client a renovated home, I don’t even want to see a bad grout or tiling job let alone work that has clearly been done by an amateur. I know that sounds harsh but a buyer paying a premium for the property will want – and deserves – to be handed over a home that has been impeccably finished.

Be Realistic

Flipping homes takes an incredible amount of knowledge and skill. This will be even more so if you are trying to flip a country home.

As I have already mentioned, there is no get rich quick method here. Yes, it seems that more people these days want to live in the countryside but you are still dealing with a niche product especially when you factor in the size of the property and price. Don’t forget, it is a smaller pool of people that can buy a 1.5 million dollar home in the first place, and not all of those looking at this price point and going to want a home outside of a major city.

If you decide to tackle a country home flip, do so because you are passionate about renovating homes, love country living, and will be ok financially no matter the outcome.